A CHAINED BEAR WHOSE TEETH & CLAWS ARE REMOVED, IS BEING ATTACKED BY TRAINED DOGS...for a horror show paid for a sadistic audience...and it harms the dogs too...there is also another type of baiting with food, done by cowardly wannabe hunters with weapons...please, sign and share below, to help stop bear baiting in the USA...and keep spreading the new think of veganism...ALL ANIMALS MUST NOW BE PROTECTED FROM HUMAN IGNORANCE & GREED...thanks, Animal Freedom Fighters...
#bear #bait #baiting #dog #dogs #USA #US #protect#animal #animals #human #enviornment#savenature #nature #jungle #forest
PETITION 1--http:// www.petition2congress.com/ 10116/united-states-congress-ban-bear- baiting
PETITION 2--https://www.change.org/p/ dunkin-stop-supporting-bear-bait ing?fbclid=IwAR0jGInR9DibG Eaf42FLJunBCW7OQcTZhG3nUBa vfaptrZh-6fPoFKVklPs
#bear #bait #baiting #dog #dogs #USA #US #protect#animal #animals #human #enviornment#savenature #nature #jungle #forest
PETITION 1--http://
PETITION 2--https://www.change.org/p/