Being a dog owner, you should take extra care of your pet during monsoon. For human, monsoon is very romantic, relaxes us after a hotty summer season. But for pet, monsoon may bring different health issues which needs to be addressed immediately once you notice.
The high moisture air, lack of expoure toward sunlight, wetness pets may suffer from respirtory issues with allergies. So you should keep your pet dry all the time and keep their place warm istead of putting them under AC.
I know, as a pet owner, you are very much concerned about your pet's health and looking for various ways to protect them from any health issues. That's fantastic.
Read further to know what you can do to give a healthy, better living for your pet during monsoon :
Full Coverage Dog Raincoat
The high moisture air, lack of expoure toward sunlight, wetness pets may suffer from respirtory issues with allergies. So you should keep your pet dry all the time and keep their place warm istead of putting them under AC.
I know, as a pet owner, you are very much concerned about your pet's health and looking for various ways to protect them from any health issues. That's fantastic.
Read further to know what you can do to give a healthy, better living for your pet during monsoon :
- Fungal Infection - It is very common to get a fungal infection in rainy season. Many pet owners complain about it. You can see the infecion in pows, abdomen,ears and other parts of the body. It may be in the form of redness, pimples or itching. Make sure to keep your pet dry and clean all the day. Apply some fungal infection powder which is available easily in the shops.
- Deworming - Pets are more open to worms during this season. Once infected, it may affect fur coat and lead to anemia, general debility anorexia. Also remember to vaccinate your pet up to date.
- Pet Shoes - When you go out with your pet in monsoon, the paws get wet. So it is mandatory for the owner to clean the paws, including the space between the toes, everytime pet comes from outside. You should consider buying pet shoes to prevent any infection caues roaming outside with bare foot. Also, always clean the paws with warm water and a soft towel or pet wipes.
- Raincoat - You will need to wipe all the time your pet comes from a wet walk. He/She can not stay at home for the whole day and that is natural. Pets needs to roam outside inspite of the weather. We, the owners, need to take proper care to not let suffer them in any season. Dirt and moisture of fur is an open invitation to any infection. During monsoon, dogs are more pron to Yeast infection which forces dogs to scratch themselves frequently. If not treat properly can lead to bacterial infection with skin cracks.
- Diet Plan - Rainy season brings limitation to walk and outdoor play for your pets. So pets becomes obessive sitting at home and eating heavy diet. You should b vary careful offering food to your pet in this season. A fibre rich meal will be a good option in this season which help for an easy bowl movement and a good digestion. You can shop a good quality dog food online. It is available for different breeds, for different weight. Choose as per your requirement. If you are providing a home made meal, make it fibre rich, full of vitamins and minerals. Dogs suffer from nutritional diseases if not getting healthy meal. So it is good to offer readymade food at least in monsoon. Do not overfeed your pet.
- Water - Always give filtered & boiled water in this season.